Before You enter into a consumer insurance contract, You have a duty under section 20B of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth), to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to Us. You have the same duty before You renew, extend, vary or reinstate a consumer insurance contract. A misrepresentation includes a statement that is in any way false, misleading, dishonest or which does not fairly reflect the truth. If You do not take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation, We may cancel Your contract or reduce the amount We will pay You if You make a claim, or both.
As Farmstyle Insurance is a direct to consumer online platform, we will require accurate and true information about your home and farm property to be able to provide a quote. This is so that the policy can be underwritten correctly, and the correct premium can be calculated. Some information we may require includes:
- Property Address
- Personal Information such as insured name and contact details
- Home construction age and materials
- Motor vehicle make, model and registration details
- Farm revenue/turn over
- Information about on-farm activities
- Previous Insurance History
Depending on the information provided, your policy may be referred to one of our underwriting team. This is so that they can gather a bit more detail to correctly insure your farm. If any further information is required, they will reach out via phone or email.